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The Red Bench can help modernize your bookkeeping functions.

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Say No To The Spreadsheet

When helping a new client I am always surprised to see the sheer quantity of business owners that do their own bookkeeping using a combination of a box of receipts and excel.

So, what’s holding them back from using an accounting program? The majority of customers I speak to say they still rely on spreadsheets to manage their business and accounting because it is familiar or their business is not big enough, but is this the best use of time?

Simple bookkeeping spreadsheet

Time to move on?

In this day and age I’m surprised by how many people are content to stick with spreadsheets rather than explore great cloud based alternatives for small business accounting.

When managing bookkeeping, spreadsheets can be a massive time drain. They are static, prone to error, don’t allow you to generate internal reports and don’t enable a collaborative approach with your client. Most importantly, they’re not scalable.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying spreadsheets are completely obsolete, they can still be useful for some data insights.

Cloud software vs Spreadsheets

Cloud based Accounting maximizes efficiency and gives business owners and bookkeepers the chance to be more efficient.

As a business grows, there will be more accounts and expenses to reconcile. The margin for error is minimal, and it’s essential that the experience is second to none if they want to continue on this trajectory of efficiency.

Why we love Xero and QBO

  • Integrates with other external business systems
  • Attaches  documents, notes and timesheets
  • Stores client data
  • Ensures bookkeepers follow the same steps when completing tasks which minimizes errors
  • Allows managers and owners to access and view data from anywhere, at anytime
  • Builds recurring business reports so owners can manage decisions better
  • Gives time back to accountants and bookkeepers so they can focus on value

If you are still using the spreadsheets to manage your bookkeeping give us a call. Cloud accounting is so much easier to keep track of expenses and your business income and so much more with ease.


Our accounting software with all the time-saving tools you need to grow your business.
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